I believe that I'm the one that you love,
that one that you miss most,
the one who you wanna meet most,
the one who you want to accompany you most
like you said.
I love you so much.
Never I had love someone so much that
I can forgive & forget.
Reason why I feel so cause I must at least try my best
& give one last best shot in fighting for my love.
Glad that you in camp you will listen
to the song that I like.
I'm always listening to song that you like =)
You asked me to send you my photo on
1st Nov and so immediately I took a
photo & sent it to you.
This is what I sent him, pardon me for not having
any make ups. Haha =)

Said that you have put it on ur wallpaper
looking at it everyday.
Thanks for chatting with me till your phone batt dead.
By each & every single of your action
can feel that I'm really the one that you love.
I love you alot too!

Every single of your message I kept it,
named you Dar in my fone have never change
our photos are still well kept in my phone & lappy.
My bad that whenever I'm angry I will
tend to delete the photos
but I've back up in my lappy.
Have been rotting at home ever since after
my birthday.
Wanna be bf's good gf.
Met up with gf as she wanna pass me my present on
3rd Nov.
Went to took MC with her
due to my serious cough
leads to windpipe narrowed.
Doc gave me med to widen the wind pipe.

Later I've got to go make police report
for sure this time and extend my MC.
Fold my clothes,
clean my room.
And complete the star that for
our helmet =)
Guess I can start to book my practical again.
This photo remind me of bf's photo taking skill,
so blur. LOL!
Remember he was complaining that his
handach when taking photos.

Got one event but it's postpone to Dec =(
Anyway thanks to those babes who have
been intro me events all the way while ^^
Gonna have photoshoots again
to update my portfolio
due to my curly hair.
Pardon me for not posting any of my photoshoots here
but I'm gonna make my own portfolio soon.
Next theme I thought of wedding gown
so Mike asked if I wanna find someone (male)
to take with me.
Thinking hard who will it be...