Bitch see who's the lok here.
Got FUCK by someone and still want to have my bf?
At handicape toilet.
Remember bitch?
Shiok right?
Royce told me that ok.
Dont fucking hell come step my tail.
I promise I'll pay back 10 times real hard back to you bitch.
Royce have made it so clear to you today
in the afternoon, dont you get what he meant?
Or your english is like so so only?
Didnt you say this to Royce in his friendster?
♡ Losing sight12/8/2008 11:00 am
I will interfere no more. Someone who choose relationship more than friendship. Our friendship will end here since 28th Nov 2008. May you find your happiness. This will be my last time that I will drop a testi for you. I will leave now. Go and think what you have done. No more this friend. I have enough.
♡ Losing sight 12/8/2008 10:57 am
hey, dunno what to say someone who made promises but make it for nothing. Some people just don't get it what their friend are doing for them. Well since you have already chosen her. I guess from today onwards our friendship will end her. Ignoring will not solve the problem. Go think for yourself. I wish you all the best in whatever you do. Loves,pinkish:) Dont talk like as if his yours.
Of cause he will give up a stupid friendship which is only less than 1 month
with a fucking lok and buang girl.
I place a important role in his life,
3 years relationship,
a girl who's better than you.
Why not?
Who the fuck do you think you are seriously.
I'm gonna reveal that fucking lok & buang girl.
She's from Hougang Secondary School too.
Bitch name is Joyce, 20 this year.
Well known Pong Pong hair in Hougang secondary school.
Oh well when I've got the time I'll post up this bitch Secondary school look.

Yes that's the lok bitch that I've circle with in red.
Oh well, Royce call you to go reborn your hair in order to be able
to have a boyfriend.
But I bet it's hard for yeah.
I pity you really bitch.
Cause I know how many reborning you get it will
still be like a Pong Pong head?
Dont try to mess with me.
This is the bitch friendster URL
What the fuck is wrong with your shout out?
"No longer this friend that I will acknowledge since 25th Nov 08. Choose your love and lose a friend go n think for yourself"
Of cause choose love/girlfriend than your
this useless piece of friendship.
Of cause choose someone who have went through so
much with him than someone who's
FUCKED by someone la.
His taste wont be so bad to choose you.
Get this up in your head alrite?!
I've been nice enough not to expose you
but you are the one who's fucking hell
provoking me.
Who to blame for me to post this post?
You bitch!
You are than the real disgrace to girls.
People see you of cause puke first than looking at me.
Wake up your mind alrite bitch,
what's my job line?
Freelance model.
Baung & lok!
You've make me to the extend that I have to be so nasty to you
with those words.
Blame you. =)